Confidence in competence

We have something against dental phobias:

  • detailed advice
  • transparent procedure and above all
  • a painless treatment

During the first visit to our practice, there is usually no treatment. Here we build trust, you get to know us and can get used to the practice rooms. We discuss each treatment step in detail and explain everything in detail. Do not let fear rule your health! Come and see us.


Consequences of dental fear

People who suffer from dental phobia often panic at the very thought of going to the dentist's office. In most cases, the cause lies in bad experiences from childhood. Many sufferers avoid going to the dentist for years, preferring to live with severe pain, feel ashamed and no longer dare to go outside because of the poor condition of their teeth.

But without help it does not get better. The Q-Zahnärzte specialize in helping patients with dental phobia fully comprehensive. Without pain. We are the dentist for fear patients in Freiburg and can proudly say that all our patients were happy to have come to us after treatment.


Regular prophylaxis in our dental office helps to keep your teeth healthy. The treatment is painless! Inform now!


Treatment without pain

The possibility of painless treatment is enormously important, especially for patients with anxiety.

In addition to the familiar local anesthesia (local anesthesia), we therefore offer treatments under general anesthesia or in twilight sleep (analgesia), so that even individual and complete dental restorations do not pose any problems for anxiety patients. We make a recommendation - we will help you with the decision!

Anesthesia in the dental office

  • General anesthesia: Just sleep through the treatment! Our partners, the anesthesiologists of the Dreisam Clinic, induce the general anesthesia with medication and monitor you throughout the treatment. The general anesthesia will be released immediately after the treatment.
  • Local anesthesia: The most commonly used method of anesthesia in the dental office is local anesthesia (local anesthetic). The area to be treated is pre-anesthetized beforehand with a surface anesthetic so that very little is felt of the actual anesthesia.
  • Twilight sleep: An alternative to general anesthesia is twilight sleep, also called analgesia. The sensation of pain is greatly reduced, but the patient remains conscious. This method is particularly suitable for patients who suffer from anxiety on the one hand, but want to retain control over their treatment on the other.

Patient opinion

Are you looking for a dentist in Freiburg for anxiety patients and want to make an appointment?

Feel free to contact us

Fear patients in the Q dental practice: Our quality promise

  • Time to get to know each other
  • extensive consultation
  • Explanation of the individual treatment steps
  • Choice between different anesthesia variants
  • Guarantee of painless treatment