White teeth - gentle and safe

Hollywood stars show the way: White teeth stand for success and attractiveness. But Brad Pitt and co. don't brush their teeth particularly thoroughly. Their secret comes from the dental practice and is called aesthetic dentistry. If your smile isn't ready for the movies, we'll help - for example, with bleaching and veneers.

More info: Aesthetic dentistry - Veneers or bleaching

But we do not forget what it is really about: health. In our dental practice, we therefore only give healthy teeth back their radiance. Before every tooth whitening - whether by veneers or bleaching - we first examine the teeth and gums for caries or inflammation. Only when we are sure that your oral health is in order, nothing stands in the way of tooth whitening.

Tooth whitening: When it makes sense

During tooth bleaching, we whiten your teeth evenly and safely with a special active ingredient. The bleaching process itself releases hydrogen peroxide, which penetrates the enamel and removes the darkeners from red wine, tea and nicotine.

Bleaching costs

Of course, we will also advise you on the costs of bleaching. You will be amazed at the effect bleaching can have. We will also be happy to show you examples of bleaching before and after.

Bleaching is useful if your teeth have lost their shine, but you are otherwise happy with your smile. Teeth whitening does not conceal too large gaps between your teeth or chipped corners. We rid your teeth of the unsightly gray haze and make you shine again. For minor blemishes that cannot be fixed with bleaching, we offer veneers.

Teeth whitening with veneers

Veneers are wafer-thin ceramic veneers that we gently attach to your teeth. No one will notice that you are wearing veneers. What everyone will notice, however: Your smile will shine in a natural white. The small blemishes have simply disappeared!

Veneers cost

We have two materials available for treatment with veneers: Composite and ceramic. We will be happy to advise you on the costs of both solutions. Composite veneers are slightly cheaper than veneers made of high-performance ceramics. In our dental office you can also get examples of veneers before and after.

Modern dental aesthetics offers solutions for your needs and wishes. Get in touch with our dental practice. We will give you a smile worthy of Hollywood that can be seen on any red carpet in Freiburg and the world.